Articles in English - В МИРЕ ЦИРКА И ЭСТРАДЫ

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We are for animal training! We are for the Russian circus with animals!

A new circus will be built in Orenburg

Directors  of Russian state circus company have presented a programme of modernization of circuses

The first international festival of directory will take place in Saint-Petersburg

The delegation of “Rosgostsirk” has visited a new ground “KOBZOV”

The chapiteau circus in Klin is not a part of the Rosgostsirk circus

There will appear a monument on the grave of the famous clown Aijen

Orenburg circus gave a charity performance

In June there will be held a meeting of directors of the Company "Russian state circus company"

Students of the Circus college have presented their “Simple stories"

Revival of foreign activities of the company "Rosgostsirk"

Students of the circus college will go to France

Veterans will get financial support from the circus of Zapashny brothers

 Yekaterinburg circus presents!!!

Applause to the circus artists in South African Republic

Legendary dzhigit Tamerlan Nugzarov

Staff changes in Russian state circus company

Boris Maihrovsky about the prospects of  “Rosgostsirk” cooperation with Japan




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